Happynewmoon in #aries#
“What happens when you have one foot in the boat (new life) and one foot on the dock (old life)? Yes, your butt ends up in the water. We do not have to know how the #future will work out to move forward. “You are being asked to have #courage, #faith and #trust…The #ego goes into #fear because it can’t control what is happening. Control is an illusion. The only thing we can #control is our response to what is happening. “The ego is going into fear because you have never been here before. You are charting new territory. So, when the ego pulls up past occurrences that are fear based to understand your current experience. This too is an illusion. “The #past does not equal the future. In other words, you cannot define what is happening now from what has occurred in your past. You are creating the future by the #choices you make today. Will you choose love or fear?
#love#love#love ~kelly rosano
pubblicato da virginia_o
post originale: http://ift.tt/1DklEiJ